Terms & Conditions

Thank you for choosing to book with us, we hope you will enjoy your stay. The following terms and conditions apply to your booking.


Our rooms are priced from £80 per night based on normal occupancy (2 people sharing). Prices are higher during peak periods and weekends for example The Royal Welsh Show, Christmas and New Year. There is a discount if you are travelling alone. The price payable includes accommodation and breakfast for the number of nights stated on your booking.


We don't generally ask for a deposit when booking a room (large/all rooms bookings or bookings for special events such as Christmas may require a deposit).

We will ask for card details (valid on the date of departure) at the time of booking. These are then securely stored until you check out, (in case we need to charge for cancellations-see below) after which they are destroyed.

Confirmation of Booking

No booking will be treated as confirmed until the details and/or payment/deposit required in this section are provided.


We accept payment by credit or debit card. Payments in cash on departure accepted. No cheques will be accepted on departure. Payment for any outstanding balance for the cost of your stay and any extras incurred will be payable on departure. Please note we do not accept American Express.

Cancellation by you

We understand that sometimes life doesn't always go according to plan and trips away need to be cancelled or postponed.

We want to make it as easy as possible to do so and so below you will find our cancellation policy. If you have any further questions regarding this please don't hesitate to give us a quick call.

If you do have to cancel your room please take note of the following conditions for cancellation:

If your booking is cancelled less than 4 days before your day of arrival then the first night's stay will be charged.

In the case of a “no-show” then the full amount of booking will be charged.

​Please note the day of arrival starts at 9am GMT

In agreeing to our terms and conditions, you authorise us to charge this amount to the credit/debit card used to secure the booking. It is recommended that you take out travel insurance which provides for cancellation cover.

Cancellation by us

In the unlikely event that we are forced to cancel your booking, due to circumstances beyond our control, we will attempt to offer you alternative accommodation. If suitable accommodation is not available (or unacceptable to you) then we will refund any monies already paid by you.

Arrival and Departure

Check-in is from 4pm to 9pm. Please phone in advance to advise us of an estimated time of arrival, as our reception is not continually manned. Arrivals after 9pm are by prior arrangement only. If prior arrangements have not been made, and you do not arrive by 9pm, we are entitled to treat it as a "no-show". Your booking will be cancelled and we have the right to re-let your room. We request that you vacate your by room 10.00 a.m on the day of departure.

Damage and Breakage

We acknowledge that accidents sometimes happen and we ask you to inform us of any damage or breakage as soon as possible. We do however reserve the right to charge for any damage or breakages which we consider to be deliberately or recklessly caused, for any items discovered missing after you depart or for the cost of the room for any time period for which it is considered un-usable due to damage. In agreeing to our terms and conditions, you authorise us to charge this amount to the debit/ credit card used to secure the booking. I f you paid your deposit by cheque, you will receive an invoice for the charges to be settled on departure. If the damage/breakages are discovered after you depart, you will be notified of any charges in writing as soon as is reasonably practicable.

Smoking Policy

We are a No Smoking (no vaping) establishment. If we find that guests have been smoking in the room, or anywhere on the premises, then we reserve the right to ask you to leave immediately. You will remain liable for the whole of the cost of your stay. Whether or not you are asked to leave, we also reserve the right to charge a sum equivalent to one night's stay if we are unable to re-let the room for 24 hours whilst it is fully aired. In agreeing to our terms and conditions, you authorise us to charge this amount to the debit/ credit card used to secure the booking. If evidence of smoking is discovered after you depart, you will be notified of any charges in writing as soon as is reasonably practicable.


Well behaved pets (max 2) are allowed only in rooms 1 and 3. No pets on or in beds. Please bring enough towels and a throw to protect the beds in the event of wet animals being brought into The Owls. Under no circumstances can you leave a pet in the room if you leave the premises. Proof of vaccinations and flea treatment are required on arrival.

Our Liability

We do not accept any liability for damage to your property or injury to you (or other members of your party) whilst on our premises unless caused by the negligence of us, or our employees. Cars left in our car park are parked at your own risk. The Owls B&B is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.